Wow! Some participant praises we received.

“It was an honor to witness the premier of your partnership. The blending of your unique styles created a wonderful experience. The respectful interplay during each of your sessions added to the richness of the weekend. Watching you being able to listen and change the agenda with flexibility, humility, and grace demonstrated that even the presenters are always the student.”
-Pam M.
“The workshop is SO MUCH more than what is seen on the flyer about what to expect. The loving care that is taken to prepare before and during and after the workshop is totally amazing! The time and energy that you 3 share and greatly appreciated.”
-Deb P.
“That was the best workshop I have ever attended! I am usually at least some time during a long workshop bored or irritated at the teaching style or turned off by something. But OH MY GOSH, this was SO DARN GOOD! All three of you are such genuine human beings, very skilled facilitators and so enjoyable to spend 5 days with. I learned and gained so much, on so many levels!”
-Lauri P.
“I so appreciate the exponential-ness of having 3 presenters, as well as all of your heart-centered kindness, humbleness, and compassion. I learned so much and am still processing it all.”
-Kristi Joy B.
“I am amazed in the change of energy and vibration of the collective group. Love, Joy, and Healing was Divinely Guided through our three amazing facilitators.”
-Mary M.
“Thank you all for such an amazing experience. There was so much caring, love, thoughtfulness, and support. What I leaned is still absorbing into my being. I feel more confident, and happy. I know myself a bit better as well, Blessings and gratitude.”
-Natalie C.
“Thanks and DEEP GRATITUDE for the support and guidance to my path in energy therapy! I received a major power boost and support.”
-Debra J.
“This workshop opened many possibilities for me – to advance my own understanding of self – of my healing – of the healing I offer to others!”
-Nancy S.
“WOW! What a great experience. The workshop exceeded my expectations.”
-Dorothy K.
“Excellent! Such a loving presence and atmosphere! And Fun! An incredible depth of healing knowledge.”
-Sue H.
“This afternoon I provided a treatment for my husband. The treatment was the Chakra Backwash Treatment. What an amazing experience for both of us! I loved giving it and he loved receiving it. When I checked in at the beginning to see where his Hara line was, I found it stopped at mid-calf. (He has peripheral neuropathy from diabetes and has had no feeling below his mid-calves for many years). After the treatment, when I was grounding him, he had the amazing experience of being able to feel my hands on his lower legs and feet. I feel sure that this was because of the repairing of his Hara Line by Metatron before the Chakra Treatment commenced. Wow! How wonderful! I will continue with weekly treatments and see what happens.” 😊


These photos share the retreat experiences and the joyful nature of our collective work! Enjoy viewing them. You too can be part of our next bountiful retreat.
Go to our “Workshop/Retreat” to register. We look forward to meeting you!

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